Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Cheerio Rut

Hey there, cereal lovers!

My cereal lately has been in a bit of a rut. I'm stuck on Honey Nut Cheerios for at least the next 2 weeks because it was buy-one-get-one-free. It's not that I don't like Honey Nut Cheerios, it would just be nice to mix it up with a little granola one morning, or even some Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Ruts. Ever been in a rut? I'm in a bit of one in my life right now. I won't bore you, dear Cereal reader, with all the details, but things aren't changing. In fact, they only seem to be getting worse. Not in a "oh no, the walls are crashing down and my life is over" kind of way, thank goodness. No, it's more that I'm in a place I'm not really happy with and I can't seem to make it better on my own. I pray, I read inspirational quotes and the occasional self-help book or web site, I turn to the Bible, I write, give myself pep talks. I even try to spend more time with friends to convince myself that I am happy with where I'm at. But, um, I'm not.

And so today I took a deep breath and called a counseling center. A therapist. Someone to remind me that I'm a decent human being and to point me back in the right direction. It was a scary call, I won't lie. But when I hung up, I knew I'd done the right thing. I was scared, relieved, even excited, but I was not embarrassed. Doing this on my own isn't getting any result, it's time to call in reinforcement.

Now, if you're a new Cereal reader, please don't think that this blog is all about me and my dark days and my upcoming therapy sessions. I'm not that dismal! I'm actually a pretty normal woman. . . Well, define "normal."

My Honey Nut Cheerio rut may be here for a while longer, but I'm getting out of my personal rut and I'm excited! How do you get out of ruts? Out of those dark, icky times?

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