Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have been so bored today. I hate to say that. My mom always told us it was "an insult to our intelligence" to say we were bored when we were kids, but I was today and I know I will be tomorrow as well.

Today I was by myself and had 4 appointments scheduled throughout the day. 2 came and the other 2 canceled. In between, there was not much to do, so I ended up going to get coffee, the post office, driving around the area and checking out a map of hiking trails nearby. I even watched How I Met Your Mother online. Bored. To. Tears. I finally just left around 3 and then it took over an hour to get home, navigating downed trees and broken traffic lights.

Tomorrow is going to be more of the same, except I'll be at a different office where there are a lot of other people around. Only thing is, my one appointment for the day is at 4:00. What the hell am I going to do all day? This office doesn't have GChat or Facebook access and there's only so many times I can check my email. Sure, I'll have some time to update a few files, but that might take an hour and then I'm back to being bored again. This is in sharp contrast to some weeks where I'm slammed with 5 or 6 appointments in one day with barely a chance to breathe and working up a sweat.

Normally I wouldn't mind a slow day or two, but this has happened the last 4 days that I've worked there. I'm part time, so it's not like I have other responsibilities or projects to work on and it drives me batty. I'm dreading tomorrow, sitting there, twiddling my thumbs, trying to look busy.

Good news though? I had an interview on Tuesday! For a real, honest to goodness full time job. With responsiblities and even a great "Assistant Director" title! I feel kinda low, job hunting when I've only been at my current work for 7 months, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and getting by financially with my current work situation just isn't going to cut it for very long. It's hard not to mention it to some of the coworkers I'm a little closer to, but it's better to keep it quiet.

At any rate, I felt very good about the interview, confident, poised, thoughtful answers, even got a little conversation going between the five (yes, five) of us at the end of the interview. I'm praying and crossing my fingers that I get asked back for a second interview.

And that job would keep me so busy, there'd be no time to get bored!

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