Sunday, January 18, 2009

Girl with Silver Coat and Clementines

Girl with Silver Coat and Clementines

You look tired.
Is your bag heavy?
Your heels click down the sidewalk – bag in one hand, a box of clementines in the other;
Purse slung over your shoulder and worn out day old hair pulled back.
A smile appears on your face as you walk past my window.
A row of windows, with people reading inside, drinking coffee.
They might be watching.
They might be thinking.
They might even wonder.
Your smile says it’s ok, you don’t need help.
You’ve got it on your own.
A strong and independent woman
Walking proudly in nice heels
You look confident, you look nice.
You can carry groceries for one.
Groceries for you, carried by you.
Silver jacket, black shoes, smile, you’re fine.
But isn’t your bag heavy?

My first lame attempt at poetry in nearly 20 years.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rebuilding Burned Bridges

Last night I asked an old friend to come back into my life. Things didn't end well with this friend over three years ago, but I'd like to believe we have matured a bit and are capable of at least being aware of each other's lives, if not interacting every day. I've missed this person terribly. I think about them several times a week at least, just wondering how they are and if there's any hope of salvaging what was once a true friendship and even partnership.

Is that possible? At the ripe-old age of 29, is it conceivable that two people who haven't known each other since before entering the adult world can have a second chance? Can mend the wounds from harsh words and painful actions? Can find the joy and lightness and easiness that was once shared between two friends?

I've done all I know how to do. I wait with bated breath for the reply, but still have peace of mind that I've done my part. I'll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Waggly Fingers

I think I'm getting old. My knees and feet and ankles are killing me after a full day of work yesterday. I hear a pop every time I go down a stair and just ache when I go back up. They haven't been the same since a really long, fast hike about 7 years ago. Wah, I know. Someday I'll go see a doctor about this.

Speaking of Doctors, I found out, just in time, almost right as I walked in the door to work. Thank heavens for cell phones with internet! And for Twitter! What did I do before it?

And here he is, number Eleven:


Matt Smith. 26. Kinda funny looking (I know that's mean, but you were thinking it too). Weird hair. Young. Hmm, not sure how I feel about this. . . Those were my initial thoughts and I just wasn't pleased with the selection at all. But then I got home (after 8.5 hours on my feet selling sleeping bags and stoves) and watched the BBC's Doctor Who Confidential special (I have my ways) and found myself grinning ear to ear during his brief interview. He's crazy! Long, run-on sentences with abrupt pauses, wild hand gestures, waves his fingers in the air, completely bonkers! He's a bit younger than we were expecting, but I think I'm going to like him. And, even though I said he was a little funny looking, that could be a good quality for a character who is actually an alien. Besides, he does clean up well:


Mmm, glasses. Yeah, he'll do ;-) Remind you of anyone?

I have not seen or read Twilight, but like many people, I thought this Matt guy looks a bit like some of the characters I've seen pictures of. And I immediately began to speculate that they're trying to reach a similar audience that Twilight has been so wildly popular with. I mean, he's got that look AND he's young, so the teenage girls are going to swoon, while us 20-somethings will appreciate his, um, charm. Now, I'm not sure how the 50-year old males are included in this picture, but I'm sure it works out some way.

Ok, that should be the last of my Doctor Who posts for a while. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about anyway :)

In other news, I ran out of cereal 2 days ago and have had to eat toast for breakfast! The horror!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Learning to Count to Eleven

Well, I posted it on the other blog and was told it was: "interesting" by my parents, "depressing" by one friend, and "wonderful to read" by another friend. I don't know what kind of reaction I was hoping for, probably nothing really, but whatever. It's out there and now it's 2009!

And speaking of new things, the Eleventh Doctor for Doctor Who will be announced today! In the UK. At about the time I have to leave for work. In the US. My plan is to hit refresh on several sites I've pulled up for the occasion as I'm walking out the door in hopes that I won't have to spend the next 8 hours in agonizing curiosity. I don't consider myself a hardcore obsessive fan, but I definitely enjoy it and try to keep up with the big news and well, this is BIG! (Maybe I'll get a British customer and we can talk Doctor Who. Unlikely.)

Ugh. I can't believe this weird holiday schedule bliss is almost over. Hardly any work the last few weeks and now I have to work on a Saturday?! Not fair.

And now, since I've enjoyed Ten so much and will miss him terribly . . .