Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Celing fans

I was a good roommate today and called to get a ceiling fan installed in my roommate's bedroom. I have one and a lot of the other apartments here have them in both rooms, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. She was happy and wondered when it would be installed (not sure) and did I ask about getting our ancient a/c unit replaced? No, because I'm 99.9% sure the answer will be no. If I'm here when they install the fan, I'll ask. Otherwise, she can call.

See, my apartment complex is owned by the church across the street. They started buying up the condos about 10 years ago and renting them as apartments through a rental management company until all of them are bought (there's 23 left) and they can tear the place down for athletic fields or a parking lot or whatever else they feel is needed. The church is already ginormous, with buildings on both sides of the road and a brand new parking deck and student ministry building with a coffee shop. Oh, and it's my church :)

But anyway, what I'm getting at is that while the management company keeps the place livable, there's no denying these apartments are old. Built just after WWII from what I've heard. And knowing that they're just going to be torn down eventually, the church is very unlikely to fund things like replacing an a/c unit that was installed in 1972 (it says so right on the thing!) I get that. And as a result, I'm satisfied to suffer just a little bit and use fan and open windows.

Oh, and tonight? I came home and she was turning down the air. I was already in a pissy mood and pretty much snapped at her and said something very passive agressive about how I don't make a lot of money and she said she understood. Whatever. I fixed a bowl of cereal and came up to my room to sit in the dark in order to conserve energy.

And ate half a sleeve of Thin Mints. Now I just feel ill.


  1. @CMG - except that they cause an upset tummy. Suffice it to say, I'm done with Girl Scout cookies for the year!
